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Image by S Migaj

Torbjörn Strand

From seeker to finder

Your source for personal development

Hello and welcome to this page! You may have come here because you want to make a change in your life, are interested in personal development, want to create and achieve goals, find meaning and joy in life or for something completely different. Whatever the reason, I'm interested in hearing more about you and your situation. In my opinion, it is possible to achieve personal goals with coaching, to be able to appreciate life in a new way. Life is too short to be so stressed that you can not have a meaningful leisure time, uncertain about the future, constantly worrying, dissatisfied in different ways or simply feeling that something is not quite as it should be, without being able to do something about it.


You may want to make a change, change proffession, improve relationships or start a relationship. Maybe end something, start something, deal with emotions or gain clarity and control on various issues. You just do not know how to proceed. With good trust and cooperation, it is possible to create a safe environment where there is an opportunity to test yourself to achieve new levels of self-insight and development that take you in a certain direction.


Let me be the one who supports you to a powerful, meaningful and balanced life:

  • A life containing what you need and is good for you. You know your values ​​and make goals according to them.

  • A life with skills to deal with obstacles and the capacity to do what it takes to achieve what you want.

  • A life where you sit in the driver's seat, is responsible for keeping the engine in good condition and your passengers are taken into account during the journey.


For more information about my services and what I can be of service with, take a look at the content on the page and book a first meeting to explore a collaboration. I follow ICF's ethical guidelines, which include that confidentiality and confidentiality are met.

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5 steps to choose
the right direction in life

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5 steg till att välja rätt riktning i livet_edited_edited.jpg
Beautiful Landscape


Exercise backpack and mountain


Carrying a heavy backpack with a book that contains all my launches that I have done in my life felt like the backpack was medium heavy. The symbolism medium and not heavy I think symbolizes that I do not want and can see how serious my behavior actually is. To get up on the mountain and finally get to open the backpack and bring out the book and a little reverently get  dropping this into the lava-filled crater was liberating, now I no longer need to identify with procrastination. Something I had very easy to do. The book symbolizes my memories, how I chose to remember my unresolved commitments through life. The crater / lava symbolizes letting go. To then go down the mountain with easy steps after this work was nice. Halfway down the mountain there was a lockable box / box I had a key to this that I used to open. In the box I found important things for myself. Including a compass. The interesting thing about finding a compass is that I think it is something I have missed in life and also the knowledge of this has contributed to me also feeling fear for my own greatness. Ie fear of having power and energy and not knowing what to do with it. Very grateful to Torbjörn who with good intuition suggested and led this guided exercise.


"Postpone the postponement"

Man, Master of life


"Torbjörn is challenging in a positive way and very quick to take note of nuances in the language and asks me to clarify my intentions what comes to the goals and what obstacles and ideas I put in front of myself with my language use. In addition, Torbjörn is genuinely interested in me as a client and I feel that he exists for me during the sessions. "

S. 2020

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About me

Trained and experienced professional coach

I have several years of experience in personal development and coaching. I started my journey properly in 2016, when I became more interested in behavior, communication and health. It made me look at reality and my life in a completely different way, a way that suited me much better than before.


It started with diet and exercise, which have always been important to me. I noticed at some point that mental health is strongly linked to physical health and after that realization I have developed a more holistic approach, where several important factors are considered.


I made an even stronger transformation when I realized that I was taking too much responsibility for the feelings of others, which had made me overlook myself. I can largely thank this insight for the coaching I myself have participated in and which continues to this day. We have all the things that hold us back, what or what things do you think about?


My journey continues every day and I am aware that I will always learn more, which is wonderful. I do not mean that I have all the answers or that I know a secret theory or method that solves all your problems so that they disappear for good. On the other hand, I know the power that arises in conversations with a good coach, where the focus is on you and your inherent capacity. Potential just waiting to be released!

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+358 50 518 6342

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3o minuters utforskande möte, online eller fysiskt

Ett kortare möte är ett bra sätt för att lära känna varandra och komma överfund med hur vi kan arbeta tillsammans.

Vad väcker intresse i dig?

Detta möte är gratis och medför ingen motprestation av dig.

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Not nice, stå upp för dig själv

Positiv psykologi, mål och styrkor

Detta paket baserar sig på positiv psykologi med kraftfulla övningar inom de områden som är viktigaste för dig. Paketet är flexibelt och vi kan tillsammans lägga upp en plan för sessionerna. Vill du få klarhet i dina värderingar, styrkor, fungerande system, vision, hitta mening, lindra ensamhetskänslor så är det här paketet för dig. Mycket mer än detta finns det möjlighet till i detta program. 1 timme per session. Områden som finns är: kommunikation, medkänsla, känslor, mål, tacksamhet, sorg, välmående, mindset, mindfulness, motivation, relationer, styrkor, reslience, självacceptans, att njuta och mer kommer efterhand. Kompendie och övningar ingår.


Frihet att kraftfullt vara dig själv

Will du göra en kartläggning och få bättre förståelse för din situation och nästa steg för att nå dina mål? Har du rätt så bra koll på var du är och vart du vill gå? Då passar detta paket med 5 sessioner. Under denna tid går det att bli mer klarare med sin situation och vad som är nästa steg. Kan handla om jobb, relationer, fritid, ny riktning i livet osv. Priset är för 5 sessioner som kan planeras fritt, 1 timme per session. Underlag ingår i priset

Tar du ansvar för andras känslor och du har märkt att du inte kan vara dig själv i relation till andra? Vill du tar mer ansvar för dig och vara mer av dig själv? Kämpar du med relationer, på jobbet och andra tillfällen där egna åsikter och vilja är inkluderade? Funderar du ofta vad andra tycker om dig? Är du redo för att kämpa, ta ansvar och få det liv du vill? Då är detta paket något för dig, påbörja resan eller fortsätt vägen till ett liv där du själv står till svars för dig själv och vågar hävda dig, med alla dina känslor, tankar, åsikter och värderingar. 1 timme per session.

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