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  • Writer's pictureTorbjörn Strand

My recap for this year, 2022.

My recap for this year, 2022.

This year have been an intense one for me and it flew past fast.

Much have happened and I’ve learned a lot.

Last year I started my first position as a project manager, basically as a business coach and consultant.

That sparked my interest for my own coaching business again, and I decided that I would do both at the same time.

I decided to incorporate sales into my identity, because I’ve always believed that professional sales and negotiation is nothing I can do, based on my personality. Now I know that I can achieve anything I want, if I go for it and do the required work. It’s much to learn about how it works and I understand only like 10%. I got in contact with many cool people who can help me on my path, thank you.

I still need tons of practise and focus. I’m a person who focus on many things at the same time, so it takes longer to see big results. So for the next year, I’m unlearning certain things and incorporating new things and systems.

The project I managed ends this year and it has been a great experience, I know now what I learned, what was good and what I could have done differently. Thanks to everyone inside the corporation and those inside the national project, and all others I’ve been in contact with.

In a way it’s crazy that I managed with everything this year.

The 2 most important things were:

Becoming a father at the end of the year with long preparation from the start of the year.

Start building our house, which will be finished the coming summer.

These are really big ones already. Then there’s:

All the internal development and self-knowledge I have collected this year, more about what I like and don’t like and what I can change to become a better person. And a stronger believe that how I define a good person might be completely different for someone else, believe in your own conviction.

I finished up this personal leadership program that I can sell and provide.

Invested in my Firework career coaching certification, the one I provide as basis for my coaching.

Invested in NEPQ sales training.

Invested in business coaching to get my own business going.

Invested in high sensitivity coaching to calm my nervous system, which just made me more frustrated, because I felt the coach had some inner blocks that prevented me from getting what I wanted.

Functioned as a leader for a men’s group training.

Got out of one men’s group movement, because it wasn’t for me because I felt controlled by emotion. (I really wanted to like that one and I was included in the planning before it started, unfourtunately there were some nasty tactics used, which is against all what I’m about).

Invested in compassionate D&I training, self confidence training and a bunch of other different courses. I also bought a membership for Circle, where you can build your community.

I also continued with my voluntary work in different organizations, too many I know. I decided to step down from them all after the summer, I couldn’t manage anymore. I also learned that I’m really sensitive to control and micro-management, at least that’s how I percieve it, I might be wrong of course. Anyway, that’s where I am right now and for now I just have to get away from such, to calm my nerves. Lack of trust, control and complacency happens here and there, support of in-groups is nothing i can stand either.

For the new year I will be somewhat active in the voluntary work. I will focus on my business and my new job. Yes, that’s right, I got a new job which I will tell about soon. I start next week, and it aligns well with my career coaching. I hope it turns out well. That job is also connected to a project.

I also recorded a new record and a music video with my band.

I also started a new band project, and ended another one. I explored some new cool bands this year.

I bought a new guitar, although I rarely play guitar anymore.

I had a record ski season 21-22.

I practically didn’t run my bicycle this summer, wanted to do that more.

I continued working out after a summer break, new records in deadlift, now 140 kg.

I explored breathwork intensely for a month, I was really caught by it, then when we had our baby I stopped.

I had coaching clients for most months during the year.

I started meditating in a live group.

I participated in Al-anon meetings, to explore shame work.

I participated in a dad’s group.

I met more people from my biological relatives, a great experience.

I have also lived this whole year with a record player, I sold my old one last year in december and I haven’t bought a new one. So I haven’t listened to a single vinyl record on my own this year. I also had to put all my vinyl records in a storehouse, to make room for the baby. That’s life and it sucks sometimes.

This is the most of what I did, experienced and learned this year.

Living the way I do, means sacrifices. We all have to make sacrifices in our lives, doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. Every good leader accepts and understands this.

I cannot believe how I managed to do all these things this year, and with my old habits of organizing and going through mails and bookmarks still in function, habits which doesn’t serve me anymore.

I had some really good insights this year and felt a strong connection with my self a couple of times. I’m practising mindfulness and to be more connected with my self and consciousness, detaching from all titles, feelings and thoughts, etc. In order to experience life more clearly.

Lastly I want to share a picture of my cat, Kerry, who turned 19 human years this year! He is really old now and it saddens me that it’s not possible by nature that he is around for very long anymore. He is in very good shape, only that he has gone deaf this year, he can’t hear normal sounds anymore. Otherwise he is like a young cat and looks like a young one still, it’s going to be though when he leaves this life. He lives at my parents house and I don’t see him very often.

Thank you to everyone I have been in contact with this year, I might have been frustrated because of wanting to do too much at the same time, I thank you for your patience and understanding :)

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